-Take green points from near the center. Don't get too close to the center.

-Deliver green points to nearby pink points.

Hold Left Click to Move Green Points have 4 health and they will follow you. Only one point can follow at a time. You can release green points by pressing the Ctrl (Control) button

You can get green points from center but be careful. If you get too close to the center, the game will end.

You will have a total of 12 Score. For every Pink Point spawned, it will decrease by one. For every Pink Point destroyed, it will increase by one. You have to stable the score by destroying Pink Points with Green Points.

I haven't coded scene replaying because some of bugs, so refresh the page when the game is over.

I may improve visuals and gameplay later.

Thank you for playing ^^


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Vuruş hissi yok

Onu iyi dedin gıral :D


Truly the "Dark Souls" of browser games gg!

I tried to finish in time for game jam. But I hope it was fun to play. Thank you for playing ^^